
解决C-FREE 5编译出现“ld.exe: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0'”的问题


之前自己在win7 64bit的机器上,安装了MinGW编译器,GCC版本是4.8.1,安装目录是 C:\MinGW ,同时安装了C-FREE 5这款C/C++集成开发环境到 D:\C-Free 5\ 目录。用c-free编译程序的时候总是报:C-FREE~1\mingw\bin\ld.exe: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0', this reader only handles version 2 and 3 information。如下图所示:

C-FREE 5编译出现“ld.exe: Dwarf Error: found dwarf version '0'”



Include Files 主路径: $(CFRoot)\mingw\include、$(CFRoot)\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5\include
Library Files 主路径: $(CFRoot)\mingw\lib、$(CFRoot)\mingw\mingw32\lib
Excuteable Files 主路径: $(CFRoot)\mingw\bin、$(CFRoot)\mingw\mingw32\bin

这样都设置成 C-FREE 5 的相关路径。按理说应该没错的,但是在编译程序的时候总是报上面的错误。

The problem stems from the fact that you are using terribly outdated GCC, while your Qt binaries are most likely built with bleeding-edge GCC (or the one close to it). For instance, as the error message shows, DWARF is outdated in case of your current GCC and is incompatible with the one used by your current Qt. Furthermore, even if it wouldn't, you'd still hit other problems with binary incompatibilities, since you essentially mix compilers with different major version numbers, which is strongly discouraged. Notice, that your problem has nothing to do with CMake at all. You can see it yourself in the error message, i.e. the error is reported by ld, the linker utility from (your outdated) GCC toolchain. To conclude, your only option is to update GCC, ideally exactly to the one which was used to build your current Qt.



既然可能是gcc版本不够新引起的编译问题,那么将MinGW编译器中的GCC版本,也即将 C:\MinGW 下面的所有文件(当然包括 C:\MinGW\bin\ld.exC:\MinGW\mingw32\bin\ld.exe)复制到 C-FREE 5 安装目录中的 D:\C-Free 5\mingw 目录下面。这样c-free中旧的 GCC 版本文件就被替换成新的了。然后重启c-free,问题解决。


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