
Linux C/C++工程中可生成 ELF、动/静态库文件的通用 Makefile(二)

今天对之前写的 Linux C/C++工程中可生成ELF、动/静态库文件的通用Makefile - TypeCodes 文章里面的 Makefile 进行了优化,增加了在当前目录生成单个可执行文件的功能。

Linux C/C++工程中可生成 ELF、动/静态库文件的通用 Makefile(二)

1 功能说明

之前已有的功能不再赘述,这次主要是在包含多个 cpp 文件的项目中生成一个可执行文件(之前只能一个 cpp 或者 c 文件生成对应的一个可执行文件)。

如上图所示,我的一个 myRedisSentinel 目录中包含了多个 cpp 文件,然后只要在 SINGLE_BIN 里面配置想要输出的可执行文件名称,最后执行 make -j4 命令即可生成。 Linux C/C++工程中可生成 ELF、动/静态库文件的通用 Makefile(二)

2 附录:Makefile 文件源码

已将下面的 Makefile 源文件托管到 github仓库中:

1、GitHub: https://github.com/vfhky/General_Makefile

# FILENAME   :  Makefile
# DESCRIPT   :  A general makefile to generate an ELF or a
#                   dynamic or a static library for C/C++ project.
# AUTHOR     :  vfhky  2015.08.07
# URI        :  https://typecodes.com/cseries/cppgeneralmakefile.html

.PHONY: all clean help

# Some important on-off settings. You can not be too careful about them.
DEBUG           := y
# Flag of generate a dynamic lib or a static lib: y means yes. If the target is a excutable file, it should be blank!
GEN_LIBS        := y
# Flag of generate a dynamic lib: y means yes. It should be blank unless you want to generate a dynamic lib!
GEN_DYN_LIB     := y
# generate a single target bin file.Please let it be blank unless the target is a excutable file.
SINGLE_BIN      :=
# generate mutil target bin files.Please let it be blank unless the target is a excutable file.
MUTIL_BIN       :=
# Name of the static lib. It should be blank unless the target is a static lib, then the GEN_LIBS is y and GEN_DYN_LIB is blank.
# STATIC_LIBS       := libsrcpbl.a
# Name of the dynamic lib. It should be blank unless the target is a dynamic lib, then the GEN_LIBS is y and GEN_DYN_LIB is y.
DYNAMIC_LIBS    := libsrcpbl.so

# Environment settings. The value of PROJECT_DIR shoule be set in the *nix system as the the absolute dir path of your project.
# PROJECT_DIR   := /home/test_usr
#CURDIR         := $(PROJECT_DIR)/src/pbl
CURDIR          := $(shell pwd)
PRG_INC_DIR     := $(PROJECT_DIR)/include

# Cross compile tools defined. You needn't modify these vars below generally.
AS      := as
LD      := ld
CC      := gcc
CXX     := g++
CPP     := $(CC) -E
AR      := ar rcs
NM      := nm
STRIP   := strip
RANLIB  := ranlib
CC      += -std=c99 $(STD_OPT)
CXX     += $(STD_OPT)

# *nix system tools defined. You needn't modify these vars below generally.
BLACK = "\e[33;0m"
RED  =  "\e[31;1m"
GREEN = "\e[32;1m"
YELLOW = "\e[33;3m"
BLUE  = "\e[34;1m"
PURPLE = "\e[35;1m"
CYAN  = "\e[36;1m"
WHITE = "\e[37;1m"
CP      := cp
SED     := sed
FIND    := find
MKDIR   := mkdir -p
XARGS   := xargs
MV      := mv
RM      := rm -rf

# Get .c, .cpp source files by searching from current directory.
CUR_SRC_DIR = $(shell ls -AxR $(CURDIR)|grep ":"|tr -d ':')
CUR_SRC     := $(foreach subdir,$(CUR_SRC_DIR),$(wildcard $(subdir)/*.c $(subdir)/*.cpp))
#CUR_SRC    := $(shell find . -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp"|sed -e 's,./,,')
CUR_C       := $(filter %.c, $(CUR_SRC))
CUR_CPP     := $(filter %.cpp, $(CUR_SRC))

# Get the include files, object files, dependent files by searching from PRG_INC_DIR.
CUR_INC_DIR = $(shell ls -AxR $(PRG_INC_DIR)|grep ":"|tr -d ':')
CUR_INC     := $(foreach subdir,$(CUR_INC_DIR),$(subdir)/*.h)
SRC_H       := $(filter %.h, $(CUR_INC))
#CUR_OBJ    := $(addprefix $(PRG_BIN_DIR)/,$(strip $(CUR_CPP:.cpp=.o) $(CUR_C:.c=.o)))
#CUR_OBJ    := $(addprefix $(PRG_BIN_DIR)/,$(notdir $(CUR_CPP:.cpp=.o) $(CUR_C:.c=.o)))
CUR_OBJ     := $(strip $(CUR_CPP:.cpp=.o) $(CUR_C:.c=.o))
#CUR_DEP    := $(addprefix $(PRG_BIN_DIR)/,$(notdir $(CUR_CPP:.cpp=.d) $(CUR_C:.c=.d)))
CUR_DEP     := $(strip $(CUR_CPP:.cpp=.d) $(CUR_C:.c=.d))

# Create directory in the header files, bin and library directory.
$(foreach dirname,$(sort $(PRG_INC_DIR) $(PRG_BIN_DIR) $(PRG_LIB_DIR)),\
  $(shell $(MKDIR) $(dirname)))

# Complie and link variables. LD_LIBS means the dynamic or static library needed for the object file.
CFLAGS      := $(if $(DEBUG),-g -Wall, -O2 -Wall)
CFLAGS      += $(if $(GEN_DYN_LIB), $(addprefix -fPIC -I ,$(sort $(dir $(SRC_H)))), $(addprefix -I ,$(sort $(dir $(SRC_H)))))
LDFLAGS     := 
LD_LIBS     := #-lsrcpbl -lmysqlclient
XLD_FLG     := -Xlinker "-(" $(LDFLAGS) -Xlinker "-)"

# Add vpath.
vpath %.h $(sort $(dir $(SRC_H)))
vpath %.c $(sort $(dir $(CUR_C)))
vpath %.cpp $(sort $(dir $(CUR_CPP)))

# Generate depend files.
ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
sinclude $(CUR_DEP)

# Gen_depend(depend-file,source-file,object-file,cc). This command-package is used to generate a depend file with a postfix of .d.
define gen_depend
  @set -e;                                      \
  $(RM) $1;                                     \
  $4 $(CFLAGS) -MM $2 |                         \
  $(SED) 's,\($(notdir $3)\): ,$3: ,' > $1.tmp; \
  $(SED) -e 's/#.*//'                           \
         -e 's/^[^:]*: *//'                     \
         -e 's/ *\\$$//'                        \
         -e '/^$$/ d'                           \
         -e 's/$$/ :/' < $1.tmp >> $1.tmp;      \
  $(MV) $1.tmp $1;

# Rules to generate objects file(.o) from .c or .cpp files.
$(CURDIR)/%.o: $(CURDIR)/%.c
    @$(call gen_depend,$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@),$<,$@,$(CC))
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

$(CURDIR)/%.o: $(CURDIR)/%.cpp
    @$(call gen_depend,$(patsubst %.o,%.d,$@),$<,$@,$(CXX))
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

# Gen_excbin(target,CUR_OBJ,cc). This command-package is used to generate a excutable file.
define gen_single_excbin
  $(PRG_BIN_DIR)/$1: $2
    $3 $(LDFLAGS) $$^ $(LD_LIB_DIR) $(LD_LIBS) $(XLD_FLG) -o $$@
    @echo -e $(YELLOW)"========================Success========================"$(BLACK)

# Gen_excbin(target,CUR_OBJ,cc). This command-package is used to generate a excutable file.
define gen_mutil_bin
  $(PRG_BIN_DIR)/$1: $2
    $3 $(LDFLAGS) $$^ $(LD_LIB_DIR) $(LD_LIBS) $(XLD_FLG) -o $$@
    @echo -e $(YELLOW)"========================Success========================"$(BLACK)

# Gen_libs(libs,CUR_OBJ,cc). This command-package is used to generate a dynamic lib or a static lib.
define gen_libs
  $(PRG_LIB_DIR)/$1: $2
    $3 $(if $(GEN_DYN_LIB),-shared $$^ $(CXXFLAGS) $(LD_LIB_DIR) $(LD_LIBS) $(XLD_FLG) -o $$@,$$@ $$^)
    @echo -e $(YELLOW)"========================Success========================"$(BLACK)

# Call gen_single_excbin to generate an excutale file.
$(foreach bin,$(SINGLE_BIN),$(eval $(call gen_single_excbin,$(bin),$(CUR_OBJ),$(CXX))))

# Call gen_mutil_bin to generate mutil excutale files.
$(foreach bin,$(MUTIL_BIN),$(eval $(call gen_mutil_bin,$(bin),$(CURDIR)/$(bin).o,$(CXX))))

# Call gen_libs to generate a dynamic lib.
$(foreach lib,$(DYNAMIC_LIBS),$(eval $(call gen_libs,$(lib),$(CUR_OBJ),$(CXX))))

# Call gen_libs to generate a static lib.
$(foreach lib,$(STATIC_LIBS),$(eval $(call gen_libs,$(lib),$(CUR_OBJ),$(AR))))


    -$(FIND) $(CURDIR) -name "*.o" -o -name "*.d" | $(XARGS) $(RM)

    @echo CC=[$(CC)]
    @echo CXX=[$(CXX)]
    @echo CFLAGS=[$(CFLAGS)]
    @echo CXXFLAGS=[$(CXXFLAGS)]
    @echo CURDIR=[$(CURDIR)]
    @echo PRG_BIN_DIR=[$(PRG_BIN_DIR)]
    @echo PRG_LIB_DIR=[$(PRG_LIB_DIR)]
    @echo PRG_INC_DIR=[$(PRG_INC_DIR)]
    @echo CUR_SRC_DIR=[$(CUR_SRC_DIR)]
    @echo CUR_SRC=[$(CUR_SRC)]
    @echo CUR_C=[$(CUR_C)]
    @echo CUR_CPP=[$(CUR_CPP)]
    @echo CUR_OBJ=[$(CUR_OBJ)]
    @echo CUR_DEP=[$(CUR_DEP)]

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